
Wednesday, November 28, 2012


In a movie, everything has to contribute towards the mood. Music, color, dialogue and a myriad of other things are all tweaked to work towards the common goal. One technical tool that should be used is the framing and style of the shot. If you shoot a herd of running horses, you have a multiple choices to communicate different moods: If you wanted to display the glory and beauty of the herd, one could use a sweeping crane or helicopter shot from above.

Or you could pan along with them.
To generate chaos and overwhelment (is that a word?), you would take a still shot at the herd's level, or even at their feet.

Other examples for either glory or spookiness would be shooting from below:

Other spooky shots would be shooting at ground level,

Or from directly above:
When I find out how to post sections of video, I'll make another post about styles of filming.

~In the Lamb,